Sección: 13 symposium internacional sobre control biológico de plagas y enfermedades: agentes microbianos y entomófagos
Abstract: The biological control of pests has a long tradition in Citrus crops. Many parasitoid and predator species live in the citrus orchards, regulating with efficacy the populations of many phytophagous insects. The three procedures usually recognized in biological control, introduction, increment and conservation of natural enemies, have been applied successfully. The continuous introduction of new pests has led to the implementation of several programs of classical biological control by importation of beneficial arthropods into our country. The use of mass releases of beneficials and the conservation techniques are analysed, with emphasis in the selection of pesticides for their impact on natural enemies. Comprar Revista Phytoma 144 - DICIEMBRE 2002
Phytohemeroteca 144 - Diciembre 2002
Control biológico de plagas de cítricos
- Número de Edición: 144
- Mes / Año: DICIEMBRE 2002
- Autores: F. GARCÍA-MARÍ